
Axon demo application - Vanilla Java Configuration API

View the Project on GitHub idugalic/axon-vanilla-java-demo

projects/axon-vanilla-java-demo Java CI with Maven

To make the configuration of the infrastructure components easier and to define their relationship with each of the functional components, Axon provides a Java Configuration API.

This Axon demo project demonstrates use of Axon (vanilla Java) Configuration API with Axon Server.


This project is driven using maven.

Run Axon Server

Axon Server is used for message routing (JPA / H2 DB is used as event store/bus). You can download a ZIP file with AxonServer as a standalone JAR. This will also give you the AxonServer CLI and information on how to run and configure the server.

Alternatively, you can run the following command to start AxonServer in a Docker container:

$ docker run -d --name axonserver -p 8024:8024 -p 8124:8124 axoniq/axonserver

NOTE: To remove Axon Server completely and fallback to simple message buses (non-axon-server components): remove axon-server-connector maven dependency in pom file.

Run locally

You can run the following command to start your project locally:

$ ./mvnw clean verify exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.demo.AxonVanillaJavaDemoApplication"