
DDD. Event sourcing. CQRS. REST. Modular. Microservices. Kotlin. Spring. Axon platform. Apache Kafka. RabbitMQ

View the Project on GitHub idugalic/digital-restaurant

Monolith 3 (STOMP over WebSockets API. We are async all the way)

:octocat: /drestaurant-apps/drestaurant-monolith-websockets :octocat:

This is a thin layer which coordinates the application activity. It does not contain business logic. It does not hold the state of the business objects

We are utilizing components from the domain layer. This layer contains information about the domain. This is the heart of the business software.

This application is utilizing STOMP over Websockets protocol to expose capabilities of our ‘domain’ via components:

Visualize Your Architecture - C4 model

The C4 software architecture model is a simple hierarchical way to think about the static structures of a software system in terms of containers, components and classes (or code).

System Context Diagram

A System Context diagram can be a useful starting point for diagramming and documenting a software system, allowing you to step back and look at the big picture.

Context diagram

Container Diagram

Once you understand how your system fits in to the overall IT environment with a System Context diagram, a really useful next step can be to illustrate the high-level technology choices with a Container diagram. A “container” is something like a web server, application server, desktop application, mobile app, database, file system, etc. Essentially, a container is anything that can execute code or host data.

Context diagram

Component Diagram

Following on from a Container diagram showing the high-level technology decisions, you can then start to zoom in and decompose each container further. However you decompose your system is up to you, but this is about identifying the major logical structural building blocks and their interactions.

Context diagram

STOMP over WebSockets API

WebSocket SockJS endpoint: ws://localhost:8080/drestaurant/websocket


Message endpoints:

Run the application

$ cd digital-restaurant/drestaurant-apps/drestaurant-monolith-websockets
$ mvn spring-boot:run
